What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners (2024)

Hey there, fellow hedgehog enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you’ve fallen head over heels for these adorable, prickly little creatures. Hedgehogs make for some exceptional pets with their charming personalities and unique looks. But, as with any pet, owning a hedgehog comes with its responsibilities, and one of the most crucial is understanding its diet.

So, what human food can hedgehogs eat? It’s more complex than sharing your dinner leftovers with them. These little guys have specific dietary needs that we need to meet to keep them healthy and happy.

I’ve put together this guide to help you navigate the world of hedgehog nutrition. It’s packed with all the information about what human food your hedgehog can safely munch on. So, let’s dive in and learn how to keep our prickly pals in tip-top shape!

For a more comprehensive guide on the hedgehog diet, feel free to check out thisdetailed articleon our website.

What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat?

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. What human food can hedgehogs eat? Well, the answer might surprise you. Hedgehogs can enjoy various human foods, but it’s all about balance and moderation. Like us, they need a diet rich in nutrients and not too heavy on any one thing.

Fruits and Vegetables Hedgehogs Can Eat

What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners (1)

Now, onto the good stuff. Fruits and veggies are a big yes for our spiky friends. They’re packed with essential vitamins and minerals for a hedgehog’s health. Here’s a quick rundown of some safe options:

  • Apples: High in fiber and vitamin C, but remember to remove the seeds.
  • Bananas are an excellent potassium source but are also high in sugar, so moderation is key.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are all hedgehog-approved. They’re full of antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is excellent for their eyesight. Just make sure they’re cooked to soften them up.
  • Peas: A fantastic source of vitamins A and C and fiber.

Remember, these are just a few examples. There’s a whole world of fruits and vegetables out there that your hedgehog might love. The key is introducing new foods slowly and watching for any signs of upset stomach or allergies.

How to Prepare Fruits and Vegetables for Your Hedgehog

So, how do you go about preparing these fruits and veggies? It’s pretty simple, actually. Here are a few tips:

  • Always wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any pesticides.
  • Cut them into small, manageable pieces that your hedgehog can easily eat.
  • Cook harder vegetables like carrots to soften them up.
  • Remove any seeds or pits from fruits. These can be a choking hazard.
  • Always serve fruits and vegetables at room temperature.

And there you have it! A quick and easy guide to what human food your hedgehog can eat. Remember, a varied diet is a healthy diet. So, don’t be afraid to mix things up and give your prickly pal a taste of different fruits and vegetables. They’ll thank you for it, I promise!

In the next section, we’ll dive into the world of proteins. But for now, try introducing a new fruit or vegetable into your hedgehog’s diet. You might find their new favorite snack!

Proteins Hedgehogs Can Eat

What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners (2)

Now that we’ve covered the fruity and veggie side let’s talk about proteins. Yes, you heard that right! Our little hedgehog friends are insectivores by nature, which means their diet in the wild consists mainly of insects. But what human food can hedgehogs eat when it comes to proteins? Let’s find out.

Here’s a list of safe proteins your hedgehog can enjoy:

  • Cooked Chicken: A lean source of protein that’s easy for them to digest.
  • Insects: Mealworms, crickets, and waxworms are all great choices. They’re protein-rich and provide a fun hunting experience for your hedgehog.
  • Cooked Turkey: Another lean meat option that’s packed with protein.
  • Cooked Fish: Fish like salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids, good for your hedgehog’s skin and quills.

Each of these protein sources offers its own unique set of benefits. Chicken and turkey, for instance, are lean meats that provide the protein your hedgehog needs without the extra fat. Insects, on the other hand, are a more natural food source for hedgehogs and can help satisfy their hunting instincts.

How to Prepare Proteins for Your Hedgehog

Preparing proteins for your hedgehog is similar to preparing them for yourself. Here are a few tips:

  • Always cook meats thoroughly to kill any potential bacteria.
  • Avoid using any seasonings or oils. These can upset your hedgehog’s stomach.
  • Cut meats into small, bite-sized pieces.
  • For insects, you can buy them live or dried from pet stores. If you’re using live insects, ensure they’re safe for your hedgehog.

And there you have it! A quick guide to the proteins your hedgehog can safely enjoy. Remember, balance is key. While proteins are essential to your hedgehog’s diet, they should be complemented with fruits, vegetables, and good quality hedgehog food.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the foods that are a no-go for your hedgehog. But why not introduce a new protein source into their diet now? You might be surprised at what they end up loving!

What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Not Eat?

Knowing what human food hedgehogs can eat is just as important as knowing what they can’t. Not all foods are safe for our prickly pals; some can even be dangerous. Let’s look at the types of human food off-limits for hedgehogs and why they’re harmful.

Foods That Are Toxic to Hedgehogs

First up, the big no-nos. These are foods that are toxic to hedgehogs and should be avoided at all costs:

  • Chocolate: Just like dogs, hedgehogs can’t process theobromine, a compound found in chocolate. It can cause serious health issues and even be fatal.
  • Onions and Garlic: These can cause anemia in hedgehogs, leading to weakness and lethargy.
  • Grapes and Raisins: These are toxic to many pets, including hedgehogs, and can cause kidney failure.
  • Avocado: While healthy for humans, the persin in avocados can cause heart problems in hedgehogs.
  • Nuts and Seeds: These can be a choking hazard and are hard for hedgehogs to digest.

The effects of these foods range from digestive issues to serious health conditions. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so when in doubt, leave it out.

Foods That Are Hard for Hedgehogs to Digest

Next, we have foods that, while not toxic, are hard for hedgehogs to digest:

  • Dairy Products: Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant, so milk, cheese, and other dairy products can cause digestive upset.
  • Raw Meat: This can contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Always cook meat thoroughly before feeding it to your hedgehog.
  • Citrus Fruits: The high acidity can upset your hedgehog’s stomach.
  • Processed Foods: Foods high in salt, sugar, or artificial additives can be hard for hedgehogs to digest and unhealthy.

These foods might not cause immediate harm, but they can lead to long-term health issues and discomfort for your hedgehog.

So there you have it, a rundown of what human food hedgehogs can’t eat. Remember, when it comes to your hedgehog’s diet, it’s all about balance, variety, and safety. Stick to the safe foods we discussed earlier, and your hedgehog will be just fine. In the next section, we’ll wrap things up and recap everything we’ve learned. But for now, take a moment to double-check your hedgehog’s diet and make sure it’s free of these harmful foods.


Well, folks, we’ve covered quite a bit of ground today, haven’t we? From the fruits and veggies that make for a healthy hedgehog snack to the proteins they can safely enjoy and even the foods that are a no-go, we’ve explored what human food hedgehogs can eat.

Feeding your hedgehog the right foods is not just about keeping them full. It’s about giving them the necessary nutrients to live a long, healthy, and happy life. And while this guide is a great starting point, it’s always a good idea to do further research and consult a vet to ensure you meet all your hedgehog’s dietary needs.

Owning a hedgehog is a wonderful and rewarding experience but also a responsibility. By taking the time to understand their diet, you’re taking a big step towards providing the best care possible for your prickly pal. So, here’s to happy, healthy hedgehogs and the humans who love them!

Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your hedgehog’s diet. So, keep learning, asking questions, and doing your best for your hedgehog. They’re counting on you!

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article, but you may still have some questions. Here are some common queries about what human food hedgehogs can eat:

What household food do hedgehogs eat?

Hedgehogs can eat a variety of household foods. They enjoy fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, berries, carrots, and peas. They can also eat lean meats like cooked chicken and turkey and insects like mealworms and crickets. Remember, all food should be served in small, manageable pieces and at room temperature.

Can hedgehogs eat rice?

Cooked rice can be given to hedgehogs in small amounts, but it should be a manageable part of their diet. Rice doesn’t offer much nutritional value for hedgehogs, and too much can lead to obesity. Ensure the rice is thoroughly cooked and cooled before serving it to your hedgehog.

What can hedgehogs not eat list?

Several foods are harmful or toxic to hedgehogs. These include chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, avocado, nuts, seeds, dairy products, raw meat, citrus fruits, and processed foods. Always avoid these foods when planning your hedgehog’s diet.

Do hedgehogs eat bread?

Bread is not recommended for hedgehogs. It doesn’t provide any nutritional value and can be difficult for them to digest. Plus, bread can expand in a hedgehog’s stomach, causing discomfort or health issues.

Remember, it’s always best to consult with a vet or a hedgehog care expert when it comes to feeding your hedgehog. They can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about your hedgehog’s dietary needs.


Yarnell, K., Surgey, J., & Grogan, A. (2019).Dietary composition of hedgehogs(Erinaceus europaeus) determined by DNA metabarcoding of fecal samples. PeerJ, 7, e6910.

Morris, P. (2014).Hedgehogs. Whittet Books Ltd. Stowmarket, UK.

What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners (2024)


What Human Food Can Hedgehogs Eat? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners? ›

High quality, poultry-based cat biscuits seem to be the number one choice among hedgehog owners. Poultry-based dry cat food high in protein and low in fat needs to make up the majority of a hog's diet. Moist cat food, insects, fruit & veg, boiled eggs and baby food are used to supplement a pet hedgehog's diet.

What human food is good for hedgehogs? ›

Provide some fruits, such as apples, plums or pears, and nuts, such as unsalted peanuts or brazils. Leave out root vegetables like carrots, along with some cooked potato. If food isn't eaten overnight, remove anything that will go off and replace it with fresh offerings in the evening.

What is a good substitute for hedgehog food? ›

Cooked meaty dog and cat food are also good alternatives. Ark wildlife stocks a great range of hedgehog food that means you don't have to go making your own!

What food is hedgehog approved for? ›

What can I feed hedgehogs? Hedgehogs will relish any combination of meat-based wet dog or cat foods, or dry cat/kitten food. Just remember, they will be getting most of their food from insects and worms in the wild, and this food is only supplementary. Specially made hedgehog food is also widely available.

What is a hedgehog's favorite food? ›

The most important invertebrates in their diet are worms, beetles, slugs, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes. As well as these, they also eat a wide range of other insects. More infrequently, they will take advantage of carrion, frogs, baby rodents, baby birds, birds' eggs and fallen fruit.

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Other ingredients sometimes added to 'hedgehog food' include honey, sugar, cereal and fruit. These are useless to hedgehogs because they can't be digested, and can cause tooth decay.

What are safe hedgehog snacks? ›

Treats can include live, canned or freeze dried crickets, mealworms (only one or two per day), wax worms or other insects. We prefer to use pet-quality, farm raised insects to wild caught insects because of the risk of parasite infection, insecticide exposure or other toxins in wild caught bugs.

Can hedgehogs eat oatmeal? ›

~Ground corn, corn gluten meal, ground oats, beat pulp fiber and potato protein is not an appropriate food source for an insect eating animal that does not have a cecum (see "why hedgehogs can't eat fruits and veggies"). ~Crude fat at 5.0% is not enough fat.

Can hedgehogs eat bananas? ›

Fruits: Dried fruit should be avoided, but a small amount of fresh fruit can be offered to your hedgehog as a treat. Apples, bananas, berries, and melons are popular choices among hedgehogs. Vegetables: Fresh tomatoes, fresh green beans, and cooked squash are some options that your hedgehog may enjoy.

What fresh fruit can a hedgehog eat? ›

For fruits, you can offer bananas, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew, mango, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, apple, and watermelon. Some safe veggies include asparagus, bell pepper, cucumber, green beans, zucchini, and radishes. You can also offer small amounts of corn and peas on occasion.

Can hedgehogs have peanut butter? ›

They can have expensive tastes, preferring salmon above most things, but will also go for rabbit meat, eggs, mayonnaise, peanut butter, dairy, or anything fatty.

What not to feed hedgehogs? ›

What not to feed hedgehogs
BAD food for hedgehogsReason
Large chunks of meatHedgehog teeth are too tiny to tear or chew big pieces
Bacon or corned beefToo salty
FishHard to digest, not natural
EggsPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1:2.77
10 more rows
May 21, 2024

Is yogurt good for hedgehogs? ›

Hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant and will have stomach problems after consuming most dairy products, though occasional plain lowfat yogurt (yogurt contains bacteria that naturally process lactose) or cottage cheese seem to be well tolerated. Sugar intake should be restricted to fruits, avoid any treat with added sugar.

Can hedgehogs eat bread? ›

Never feed hedgehogs milk or bread - milk can cause diarrhoea and bread isn't very nutritious. Check the food and water bowls each day to top them up with fresh water and food, and remove any food that hasn't been eaten.

Do hedgehogs like mashed potatoes? ›

Don't feed your pet hedgehog starchy veg, such as potatoes and celery. Hedgies don't process vegetation so well. If you give them vegetables, make sure they're diced. Cook harder vegetables, such as carrots, to make them softer.

Can hedgehogs eat dry dog food? ›

Cat and dog food has been scientifically balanced to be safe and nutritious, and contains no ingredients that are harmful to hedgehogs. Although both dog and cat food are perfect supplementary foods for hedgehogs, because they have small mouths the tiny size of kitten biscuits is ideal.

What fruits and veggies can I feed my hedgehog? ›

Apples, bananas, berries, and melons are popular choices among hedgehogs. Vegetables: Fresh tomatoes, fresh green beans, and cooked squash are some options that your hedgehog may enjoy. Starchy vegetables, such as corn, potatoes, and carrots, as well as dried vegetables, should be avoided.

What not to feed a hedgehog? ›

What not to feed hedgehogs
BAD food for hedgehogsReason
Large chunks of meatHedgehog teeth are too tiny to tear or chew big pieces
Bacon or corned beefToo salty
FishHard to digest, not natural
EggsPoor calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1:2.77
10 more rows
May 21, 2024

What milk can hedgehogs drink? ›

What do hedgehogs drink? Don't forget to put out a shallow dish of water which can be a lifeline for hedgehogs, especially during a hot, dry summer. Contrary to popular belief, hogs are lactose intolerant and milk can make them ill, so please only offer them water.

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