The Meaning Behind The Song: From Eden by Hozier - Old Time Music (2024)

The Meaning Behind The Song: From Eden by Hozier

The Irish singer-songwriter, Hozier, is known for his soulful and powerful music that transcends genres. One of his most notable songs, “From Eden,” showcases his ability to create music that is both poetic and thought-provoking. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind the song “From Eden” and uncover the message that Hozier is trying to convey through his lyrics.

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The Inspiration Behind The Song

Hozier has been fairly open about his inspiration for “From Eden.” He has stated that the song was influenced by the story of Adam and Eve, specifically the idea of original sin and the fall from grace. However, Hozier’s interpretation of the story is not necessarily a religious one. Instead, he is using the story as a metaphor for human relationships.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Hozier explained, “It’s really a love song more than anything, I think it’s a love song about a relationship that is somewhat taboo and an attempt to understand and regulate it.”

The lyrics of the song describe a relationship between two people who are not supposed to be together. They both know that their love is forbidden, but they can’t help themselves from giving in to temptation. However, the “Eden” that Hozier is referring to is not necessarily a physical place. Instead, Eden represents a state of innocence and purity that the lovers have lost. They are aware that their actions have consequences, yet they still choose to be together.

The Symbolism of the Snake

Throughout the song, there are several references to a snake, which is a symbol that is typically associated with temptation and deceit. In the story of Adam and Eve, the snake is the one who tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, leading to their expulsion from the garden. Hozier uses this imagery to convey the idea that love can be both a source of joy and pain.

In the bridge of the song, Hozier sings, “Honey you’re familiar like my mirror years ago / Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword.” This line speaks to the idea that we are often drawn to people who reflect ourselves, even if we know that the relationship is ultimately detrimental. The reference to “chivalry” falling on its sword underscores the idea that relationships can be a battle between what is right and what we desire.

The Message of the Song

At its core, “From Eden” is a song about the complexity of human relationships. Hozier is exploring the idea that love is not always easy, and that sometimes we are drawn to people who are not necessarily good for us. The lyrics highlight the struggle of trying to reconcile our desires with our morals, and how difficult it can be to walk away from a relationship that we know is not healthy.

In an interview with NPR, Hozier stated, “I think generally when we talk about love and relationships, there’s a tendency to put it up on a pedestal and view it as something that’s very pure and innocent. And I don’t think that’s an accurate view of it. I think love is messy and complicated and difficult.”

Ultimately, “From Eden” is a reminder that love is not always black and white. It is a complex emotion that can bring both joy and pain. The song encourages listeners to examine their own relationships and to acknowledge the nuance of human connection.

The Success of the Song

“From Eden” was released as a single in 2014 and went on to become a hit for Hozier. It received critical acclaim and was praised for its poetic lyrics and powerful vocals. The song helped to solidify Hozier’s status as a rising star in the music industry.

To date, “From Eden” has amassed over 100 million views on YouTube and has been streamed over 200 million times on Spotify. The song’s success speaks to the power of Hozier’s music to connect with listeners on a deep and emotional level.

In conclusion, “From Eden” is a song that explores the complexity of human relationships and the struggle to reconcile our desires with our morals. Through his use of metaphor and poetic language, Hozier creates a powerful message that resonates with listeners. The success of the song is a testament to Hozier’s talent in creating music that is both meaningful and impactful.

The Meaning Behind The Song: From Eden by Hozier - Old Time Music (2024)
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