The Ludington Daily News from Ludington, Michigan (2024)

the PAGE TWO 'THE DAILY NEWS LUDINGTON, MICHIGAN. JUNE 20. 1084. I SCOTTVILLE News From Mason County's Second Largest City and Agricultural and Dairying Center MRS. FRANK BARCLAY, Correspondent (Telephone 126-F-14 or No.

1) 25 WILL RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION Twenty-five children will receive their first holy communion at St. Jerome's church at 8 o'clock mass Sunday morning. Sisters Mary. Geraldine and vi in the city this week preparing the class, and will remain throughout next week preparing a class for confirmation. The confirmation class includes young people and adults.

Those who will receive their holy communion Sunday are Benjamin and Armen Senecal, J. Tommy O'Hearn, Jimmie Schulte, Anthony Razmania, Alphonse Jensen, Rita Ruth Rogers, Loretta Catheryn Rogers, Antonette Slapinskas, Howard Rohrmoser, Francis Thorne, Robert, William and Mary Terryn, Sigmond, Wanda and Walter Jablonski, Mary Ann Quinn, Barbara and Roger Anderson, Mary Ann and Joseph O'Brien, Katheryn and Myrtle Van Loon and Saturnia Rinkevicz. Post -Nuptial Shower Honors Mrs. Henke Mrs. George Henke was honor at a post-nuptial shower held at her home Thursday.

The' party was arranged by her sister Miss Irene Thorne. The afternoon was spent in visiting enjoying the lovely flowers and lawns about the Henke and Thorne homes. Later Irene, assisted by 'her mother E. Thorne, and Mrs. Henke served.

strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and iced tea. Mrs. Henke received a number. of gifts, including pyrex, linen kitchen articles, from the guests and from a number who could not attend. Included in the group were Mesdames Woodrow Briggs, Otho Allison, Glenn Genung, Orve Pittard, Alice Welch, Frank Barclay and C.

E. Thorne and Misses Dorothy Allison, Dora Jane Long, Grace Evelyn and Emma Spencer, Mrs. Henke and Irene' Thorne, hostess. Plans Completed for Annual Picnic Plans are being completed for the 'second annual picnic of Scottville alumni to be held at Gunn lake Sunday. Last year nearly 100 gathered at the pretty grove.

This picnic was so successful that it was urged to make the event annual and the Sunday preceding the Fourth of July was chosen for the annual date. The committee 011 arrangements has prepared a short program and other events of interest will be provided. A basket picnic at noon will be a coffee and ice cream being arranged by the committee. Former students of Scottville high school, members of the NOTICE! My Barber Shop, which has been closed because of my illness, is again OPEN FOR BUSINESS J. W.

HOWARD Custer, school faculty, patrons and all others interested in the school are invited. Mrs. Mary Stotler Claimed by Death Mrs. Mary Stotler, 69, passed away at 7 o'clock Thursday evening at of her daughter Mrs. William Rosenburger in Grant township.

Funeral services will be held from Tallman church at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon with Rev. Fred Stewart officiating. Interment will be in Tallman cemetery. RIVERTON CIRCUIT EVANGELICAL CHURCHES Sermon "Unity of Desire." Sunday school-411 a. m.

ARTHUR P. FISCHER, Pastor Sunday, July 1 CENTER RIVERTON (St. Paul Church) Morning a. m. WEST RIVERTON (Zion Church) Sunday school-10 a.

m. I Morning a. m. Sermon "Adorning the Doctrine." SUMMIT (Grace Church) Union Sunday m. Monthly Union Young People's service of the p.

m. Monthly union evangelistic service of the circuit-8 p. m. Special feature, "Our Radio Review." Sermon, "The Man in Camel's Hair." Everybody welcome to every. service.

CUSTER Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner announce the birth of a daughter. Monday: June 25. will named Patricia Irene.

Mother and daughter are doing nicely. Jack Waldorf has gone to Chicago after visiting in Custer. Two cars of pickles have been loaded from Custer station this week. Approximately three more cars are in storage. Paul Haynor of Ludington visited from Sunday until Wednesday with Victor Mallison.

Miss Agnes Balakavage, who is attending Ferris Institute at Big Rapids, will return next week after completing a sixweek course. Carl Peterson, who has been attending Western State Teachers' college the past year, has returned to Custer. A meeting of Mason County Rural Carriers' association will be held at Round lake this afternoon. Marchido School Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Lansing and Brennan Vivian were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Vivian over the week-end of June 23.

Mrs. Alvin Bradshaw and daughter Delores and Miss jorie Crotser visited in Muskegon Sunday, June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor and children of Detroit were.

recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crisswell and of other relatives and friends. Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Crotser of Detroit are expected this weekend for a 10-day visit with their daughter Mrs. Alvin Bradshaw. The little son of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Cory was badly cut by a nail Sunday, June 24. The children were riding down hill in a two-wheel cart and struck 2 post with a nail in it. Four stitches were taken in the wound. STAR SCOTTVILLE COOL AND COMFORTABLE DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Fate held the light that past! revealed his "POLICE JACK" CALL" HOLT CHIRIPOOL NICK. MERNA STU CARR.

With KENNEDY- MARY A COLUMBIA PICTURE The thrill of the racing With Radio Police Car-Plus LILA LEE--Allen Jenkins- the tenseness of the Jean Arthur. fight ring. -ADDEDChapter No. 11, "llarvest of late" Serial. Shows 7:00 and 9:15.

Admission 25c-10c, Coming Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, WILL ROGERS in "DAVID HARUM." MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30. Admission 15c-10c. MYRTLE KIBBEY DIES IN CALIFORNIA SUMMIT, June has been received of the death of Miss Myrtle Kibbey, daughter of Mrs. Laura, Diekman-Kibbey. She passed away at Wilmar, June 4.

Miss Kibbey had spent a number of years in Ludington and while here made many friends. Mrs. Diekman-Kibbey was a cousin of Frank Kibbey of Summit. Miss Kibbey found it necessary to have a fiber tumor removed and did not recover from the operation. She leaves to mourn her loss her mother of Wilmar, her great grandfather Frank Thompson of Kalamazoo and her uncle and aunt Mr.

Charles Wiehman of Wilmars. Mother and daughter, were very close and passing of Miss Kibbey is unusually hard for the mother. Kibbey was a most loveable and estimable character. Wherever she lived she endeared the people to her. The recent ice cream social given by the Woman's Foreign Missionary society was well attended, more than 100 being served.

The social evening was also enjoyable. Misses Minnie McClatchie of Albion and Edna Olmstead of Allegan are spending the summer at their homes in Summit. They will return to their positions in September, the former as primary teacher and the latter as county normal principal. Mrs. Arvilla Brown of Gladwin is visiting her brother L.

McClatchie. The cherry season is opening. There is a large crop of sours but few sweets. IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN NORDHOUSE DISTRICT NORDHOUSE SCHOOL, June number of farmers in this district are making improvements to their buildings. Sladick is building a kitchen on his house.

Arthur Johnson is building a barn. James Sladick put a cement floor in his cow barn and has material ready to build a horse stable. He has six cows that are milking and several head of young stock. With the help of his sons Joseph and George, Mr. Sladick is working 130 acres of land.

Set Out Berry Patches Several new patches of small! fruit set out this spring in Nordhouse district. F. J. Sladick has an acre of strawberries and, all acre of raspberries. Wrege also has an acre of strawberries and an acre of raspberries.

In spite of the dry weather during the early part of the sea.son berries look fine. strawberry crop is now harvested. Berries will be a better quality from now 011 as the early ones were frozen. E. Hirner of Ludington is planting potatoes 011 the farm of his son Ernest Hirner.

Ernest Hirner is driving a truck for Louis Olson. Mr. and Mrs. William Mallory entertained Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Hjortholm and daughter Eleanor at dinner Sunday, June 24. Farmers nave commenced haying. Silver Anniversary Observed by Dinner DARR SCHOOL, June. Mr. and Mrs.

Allison Hilden entertained their relatives Sunday at dinner in honor of their silver wedding. A bride's cake and a groom's cake were features of the menu. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Darke and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Darke and children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eddy and daughter Guelda, Francis Jesky, Elmer Wolfe and Katie Geigos. Among the gifts presented were silver teaspoons of an unusual pattern.

Mrs. Willis Kenyon and Mrs. Margaret Jesky of South Milwaukee had intended to be present but an impending goiter operation for Mrs. Kenyon prevented. Party for Golden Sanford Mr.

and Mrs. Golden Sanford enjoyed a family celebration in honor of the former's birthday anniversary Saturday evening. Mr. Mrs. Ray Peterson and Mr.

and Mrs. August Schultz of Manistee were guests. Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. Whitaker of Victory were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.

Darr. Chamber School Ray's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Beale. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Vanna of Cicero accompanied them and spent the -end here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kruk of Chamber School Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Ray of Cicero, are spending two weeks at their cottage Haverdon at Upper Hamlin lake, with Mrs. White lake, niece Kruk and Albert cago spent Friday, he B. Peterson Mr. and Mrs.

in fter a few Per tiac returned Jo Goodrich and Mrs. fa of South evening Jensen home. Hans Jensen and friend of Ludington recently returned from a visit with relatives in Nebraska. Peter of Sugar Grove was also a visitor at the Jensen home Monday evening. Dole Thompson recently purchased an automobile.

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Thompson, daughter Irene and son Freeman and Ruth Kolberg enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson and daughters of Amber at Crystal lake recently.

Maxine and Opal Ann Garlock returned Sunday after spending two weeks with their grandparents at Freesoll. Crops are in good condition since the recent heavy rains. Farmers are planting their late potatoes. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Kolberg and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson and family were visitors Sunday of friends in Hamlin. Mrs. Mary Kraft and son Clarence spent Sunday afternoon at the R.

Kraft home in Dewey district. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson of Ludington spent Sunday evening at the Harry Peterson home. Maxine and Opal Ann Garlock spent Monday afternoon with Ruth McClellan.

Mrs. Otto Peterson and Everett Peterson of Pere Marquette and Mrs. L. E. Jones of Pelton corn- GUARANTEED YET LOWEST New WITH 53 781, 000 IN ONE NOW! CHECK THESE LOW RIVERSIDES Cord Breakers NEW A 4-Ply plus 2 4.40-21 $5.20 4.50-21 5.70 4.75-19 6.10 5.00-19 6.50 5.25-18 7.20 5.50-17 7.90 6.00-18 6.50-19 RIVERSIDE MATE TRUCK Satisfactory Service Guaranteed! 30 5 (8 ply plus 2 cord breakers) 32 6 (10 ply plus 2 cord breakers) 6.00 20 (6 ply plus 2 cord breakers) IN WRITING AGAINST ers called Tuesday evening at the B.

Peterson home, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Larson and family of Ludington spent Sunday at the Orton Smith home. Mr. and Mrs.

Nels Jensen and daughters Anna and Inger Jensen spent Sunday at the M. Christensen home In Scottville. sen Misses called Anna at the and Beale Inger home JenTuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Peterson and Miss Stella Carlson also called recently at the Beale home. A new state park in Texas will comprise 500 acres of vine-covered swamp lands, floating islands and mud geysers in Gonzales county. 49 ARE INSTRUCTED FOR CONFIRMATION OUSTER, June ter Mary Grace Ellen instructIng firmed a class of 49 who will church be conat Mary's middle of July." Members of the class are Nellie Lesausky, Julia Kella, Anita Marie Donora, Mary Agnes Wing, Alice Wing, Anetta Skaggs, Mildred Smedberg, Sulak, Helen Kella, Della Romanosky, Norma Zynda, Rose, Misjewski, Jean Amelia Loretta Hemmer, Celestina Savickas, Helen Snurkas, Margaret Thompson, Gabrella Karboski, Maxine Bogner, Helen Bogner, Anna Tatarchuk, Lalugas, Norbert Kaminski, Paul Hemmer, Henry Sulak, Joseph Sulak. Albert. Lesausky, Sterling, Alphonas Savickas, Ernest Prone, Howard Hugh Joseph- Gendrolis, Daniel Misjewski, John kevich, Dering, John Tatarchuk.

Herman Bogner, John Rupcick, Edward Tanski, Patrick Lock, Rupcick, Tony Saya, Stanley, Laiskonis, Cecil Bogner, Sulak, Anna Cudas and Alice Balakavage. PRICE EVER FOR FIRST QUALITY TIRES RIVERSIDES 6 New -Built FEATURES EXAMPLE: SIZE 29 4.40-21 NOW PRICED AS LOW AS $520 The new Riversides have already taken their place with the finest FIRST QUALITY tires made in America. Precision-built and precision-tested to the highest. stand, ards YET they are: lower priced than eyer before for, first quality tires. This new Riverside quality backs us 60 completely that we can back them with the strongest tire guarantec ever written--a guarantee that is unlimited a8 to number of months or miles.

When You Buy the New Riversides You Get All These "Precision- -Built" FIRST Quality Features! 2100 TIMES AROUND THE WORLD! Heavier, wider, thicker, 2-Way Center- SAFETY TREAD gives longer wear greater non-skid Think of it! Test miles in 1933 alone safety on all kinds of roads! equal to 2,100 times around the world. Millions of miles in gruelling road tests. Latex-dipped cords wear longer. minimize in: Millions more in continual factory tests! ternal friction, which is greatest blowout cause. This kind of testing is responsible for the improvements in the new FIRST Heavier carcass, extra insulation, 'two cord breaker QUALITY Riversides this kind of strips under the tread plus VITALIZED rubber--all constant testing keeps Riversides up to increase tire milcage.

their high quality standards! Stronger bead wire, heavier side walls and double re inforcement at rims give added strength--greater safety. at today's high speeds. TEST YEAR! PRICES! 6-Ply plus 2 Cord Breakers $7.20 7.20 7.45 8.20 9.05 9.40 10.90 12.95 TIRES! $16.00 27.30 12.80 Also with Satisfactory Service Guaranteed RIVERSIDE RAMBLERS AS LOW AS Here's the lowest price at which you can buy such give you thousands of troublefaction. These dependable tires guaranteed service and satis- 445 free miles. Other sizes priced proportionately low! SIZE 4.40-21 Ask About Wards at today's high speeds.

MILES TIRES MOUNTED FREE Without Limit as to Number of Months or Miles i Against that can happen BLOWOUTS ta a tire on the road with the exception of punctures, fire, RIM CUTS and theft, CASING CUTS Riversides must be extra quality STONE BRUISES through and through to be sold FAULTY BRAKES with such a broad guarantee and don't forget we are UNDER INFLATION right here in 'town to make good on this guarantee at all WHEELS OUT OF quickly and cheerfully! ALIGNMENT Convenient Terms Miss Esther Rivas of ChiJune 22, at home. Wm. Carlson of Tuesday morndays' visit at the home. Lars Jensen and Victory spent at the Nels MONTGOMERY WARD.

The Ludington Daily News from Ludington, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.