Princess Anne – Virginia Pioneers (2024)

Images of Wills 1714-1724

Testators: Atwood, John | Attwood, John | Atwood, Thomas | Attwood, William | Bray, Robert | Brock, Thomas | Brooks, Job | Burrough, Benjamin | Bush, George |Capps, Richard | Carroway, Edward | Carroway, John | Cason, James | Clause, Sarah | co*ck, Christopher | Corbet, Richard | Corprew, Thomas | Crashley, Peter | Dange, James | Danley, John | Davis, Edward | Dennis, Timothy | Droutt, Richard | Edmunds, John | Emperer, Tully | Etherington, Thomas |Ewell, Thomas | Fentriss, Michael | Fitzgerald, Henry | Flaborn, John | Fowler, Frances | Franklin, Thomas | Gornes, Peter | Hanco*ck, Athen | Hanco*ck, George | Hanco*ck, George (2) | Harvey, Thomas | Hoath, Ann | Holmes, Samuel | Holmes, William | Hoskins, Richard | Hunter, William | Hutchings, Daniel | Johnson, John | Jones, Evan | Jones, Richard | Jones, Solomon | Kempe, John | Land, Edward | Lilburn, Jane | Louott, Adam | Lovet, Thomas | Marsh, George | Martin, William | McGravy, Owin | Moore, Cason | Moore, Mathias | Morse, Francis | Moseley, Benjamin | Moseley, Edward | Moseley, Margaret | Moy, John | Nickles, Richard | Oliver, Peter | Olliver, Peter | Pallett, John | Plomton, Richard | Poad, William | Pow, Stephen | Purvine, John | Richardson, John | Richmond, John | Road, James | Scott, David Sr. | Shepherd, Samuel | Sicklemore, Samuel | Simmons, John | Smith, Tully | Snaile, Henry Sr. | Soalsy, Ann | Stireling, John | Thorowgood, John | Thorowgood, William | Walke, Thomas | Weblin, John | White, James | Whitehurst, James | Wicker, William | Williamson, Richard | Wills, Elenor | Wishard, James | Woodhouse, Henry | Woodhouse, Horatio | Woodhouse, Horatio (2) | Woodhouse, John | Worrington, Clifton

Images of Wills 1724 to 1735

Testators: Achis, Katherine | Achis, William | Ashley, William |Achis, Adam |Ackis, John |Albritton, Thomas | Barns, Anthony |Berry, Robert |Blake, Arthur |Bonnoy, John | Bonnoy, Richard |Bonnoy, William |Boush, Sarah |Bradshaw, Edward |Bray, Edward |Bray, Olive |Brock, Thomas |Burfoot, Ambros | Cannon, Edward |Cannon, John |Capps, William |Carroway, John | Cartwright, Ann |Clark, James Tanons |co*ckroft, John |Collins, Giles |Cooper, Thomas |Cornick, John |Crood, Thomas |Croots, Catran | Cumberfoot, James |Dauloy, Dennis |Dollar, Margaret |Easter, William |Ellegood, William |Fentriss, John |Floyd, Peter |Gisborne, William |Griffin, John |Haynes, James |Hutchings, Sarah |Ivy, Lemuel | Jackson, John |James, John |James, Mary |Jones, Owen |Jones, Susannah |Kingman, Robert |Lamount, Edward |Land, Robert |Loster, William |Mackool, Naomy |Miloud, John |Montgomery, George |Moore, Cason |Moseley, Hillary |Moy, Richard |Murray, John Sr. |Nicholas, William |O’Herson, Joseph |O’Loufer, John |Poole, Esther |Purvine, Lewis |Roberts, Mary |Saunders, John |Scott, David |Scott, Thomas | Simmons, Henry |Smith, Elizabeth |Smith, George |Smith, James | Smyth, George |Spratt, Thomas |Talbot, Isaac |Thelaball, Francis |Thelaball, Lemuel |Thorowgood, Thomas |Thrillwind, Thomas | Tooly, James |Trousthan, Sampson |Walsh, Hester |Whitehurst, Elizabeth |Whitehurst, Henry |Whitehurst, Hugh |Whitehurst, John | Whitehurst, William |Wicker, William |Wishard, Thomas

Images of Guardians of Orphans 1774-1777

Names of Orphans: Baxter | Berry | Biddle | Bousch | Broughton | Buskey | Cannon | Carraway | Cornick | Dison | Ethridge | Gashing | Gray | Griggs | Haynes | Hopkins | Hudgins | Hunter | Jacobs | Jones | Keeling | Lamb | Lamount | Land | Leget | Mackey | Morris |Morse |Moseley |Munden |Nimms |Parsons |Salmons |Scott | Shepherd |Shepherd, Smith |Shippe |Simmons | Sparrow | Stone |Taylor |Thorowgood |Turner |Walke |Weblin | Whitehead | Wiles |Williamson |Wishart |Woodhouse

Images of Wills 1747-1755

Absalom, Edmund | Achiss, Francis Achiss, William | Alderson, Worsell |Baniser, James |Batton, John | Bellegood, Jacob |Benson, William |Berry, George |Blair, Ann |Blair, James |Booth, John |Brinson, Henry |Brooks, Patrick |Brown, Edward | Brown, Francis |Buchanan, Elinor |Burfort, Ambrose |Burley, Robert | Busky, John |Capps, George |Capps, John |Cartwright, William | Cheshire, Susanna |Clark, Alexander |Constant, William |Cornick, Joel |Cornick, William |Craton, Solomon |Cummings, Martin |Dale, William |Dauge, William |Dorey, John |Dudley, Mary |Dusley, John | Dyer, John |Elk, Thomas |Ellegood, Margaret |Ellis, Peter |Etheridge, Eve |Fentriss, Michael |Fentriss, William Jr. |Franklin, Thomas |Franklin, William |Gasking, Job |Gisborn, Elizabeth | Gisborn, James |Goodson, Richard |Gornton, John |Grant, Thomas |Griffin, John | Gwin, John |Haines, Crapman |Harmon, Joseph |Haynes, Erasmus |Haynes, James |Henley, Cornelius |Hill, Thomas |Holmes, Henry |Holmes, Robert |Holmes, Samuel |Huggins, Robert |Hunter, John |Hutchins, John, Capt. |Hunter, John |Jacobs, William |Johnson, Margaret |Jones, James |Keeling, Capt. |Keeling, William |Lamount, Thomas |Langley, James |Latter, Dayley |Lawson, Thomas |Lester, Darcus |Lester, Thomas |Lovett, John |Lovett, Lancaster |Lovett, William |Malbone, Peter |Malbone, William |Martindale, Robert |Mason, Robert |Montgomery, Elizabeth |Moore, James |Moore, Mary |Morris, Josiah |Morris, William |Mosley, Benjamin |Munden, John |Nicholas, Andrew |Nicholas, John |Nicholason, Malachi |Nimmo, James, Captain | Oakham, William |Petree, James |Philpot, Christopher |Power, Samuel | Prescott, John |Purdy, William |Rainey, John |Robards, ark |Robinson, Tully |Roe, Kilsey |Russel, John |Salmon, William |Sayer, Margaret | Sharwood, John |Shepard, Smith |Smith, Richard |Smyth, Charles | Smythe, Tully |Spratt, Henry |Thorowgood, Argyle |Thorowgood, Robert |Turner, John |White, Isaac |Whitehurst, Antho |Whitehurst, Arthur |Whitehurst, Babson |Whitehurst, Charles |Whitehurst, Nathaniel |Whitehurst, Robert |Wiggins, William |Wilburn, Elizabeth | Wilburn, John |Williamson, Bartholomew |Williamson, Dinah |Williamson, John |Williamson, Roger |Woodhaup, Philip

Images of Wills 1779-1780

Names of Testators: Achiss, James (estate) | Bonney, Jonathan | Bonney, Nathan | Burke, Samuel | Bushey, Sarah | Coates, Willis | Collins, John | Dawley, William | Henley, John | Hoggard, Harmer | Holmes, William | Hughs, Thomas | Jackson, Jonathan | Johnson, James | Kelly, John | Loftland, Barnabas | Montgomery, James | Moore, James | Moore, Willoughby | Nicholas, Susannah | Pallett, John | Peeding, Nathan | Simmons, Uriah | Stripes, Lewis | Tenant, James | Thorowgood, Robert | Thorowgood, William | Tooley, James | Turner, Thomas | Whitehurst, James

Images of Deeds, Wills, Estates 1780-1782

Names: Airs to Dyer |Airs, Francis to John Rany |Benney, Jonathan (estate) |Blaw, Capt. Robert (estate) |Boult to Boult |Boush, Maximilian |Braithwaite, James |Brown, Willis |Calloway, Alese (estate) |Cannon, Edward |Clay, Peter |Collins to Kilgour |Conner, Charles (deed) |Cox, George (deed) |Cumberfoot, John (deed) | Dickson, Amy (estate) |Dudley, George |Dudley, George (estate) | Dudley, James |Elks, Thomas to Jeremiah Plumer |Harrison, Henry to William West |Hill to Hill |Hill, Morris Sr. |Holmes, Amy | Holmes, Henry |Holmes, Henry (estate) |Hopkins, Jonathan |Hunter, Dinah |Hunter, Jacob |Hunter, Jacob (estate) |Hunter, Thomas (estate) |Jones, Robert |Kempe, James to Thomas Kempe |Kempe to Kempe |Kempe to Harrison |Kenline to Harr |Lawrence to Walke | Laws, Robert |Lovett, Adam to Elizabeth (Lovett) |Lovett to Shepherd |Luke, Betty |Malbone, Philip |Matthews to Berry |Matthias, James Sr. |Moore, James |Morris, John (deed) |Morris to Whitehead | Newton, Lemuel |Nicholson to Burrows |Oakem, William |Old to Duran | Old, Thomas |Owens, Thomas |Phipp, Matthew (deed) |Ramsay, John | Ramsay, John (estate) |Seneca, William |Simpson to Wiles | Smith, John Sr. |Tipling, John |Tooley, James |Trotter, John Giles | Trowton, George |Walke, Anthony |Walke to Lawrence |Ward, George | Whitehurst to Whitehurst |Will, Susanna (deed) |Williams to Capps | Williamson to Airs |Williamson, Reuben |Williamson, Sally |Wishart, William (bond) |Woodhouse, Horatio |Woodhouse to Cavendar | Woodhouse to Lovett

Images of Wills 1782 to 1793

Names of Testators: Aleph? | Agness, Thomas | Atwood, Edward | Atwood, Solomon | Berry, George | Berry, Mary | Berry, Richard | Brock, Thomas | Broughton, William | Bush, Edward | Campbell, Duncan | Capps, Edward | Clay, Ann | Clay, Peter | Collins, Nathaniel | Collins, Nathaniel (2) | Cottel, Sarah | Creed, John Jr. | Dickson, Robert | Dorn, Isaac | Dudley, Henry | Duham, Amy | Elks, Thomas |Ellegood, Peter Norley |Fentriss, Aaron | Gasking, Charles |Gaskins, Henry |Gasking, Job | Gasking, Thomas |Gishborn, Edward |Hamilton, Gavin |Hanco*ck, William | Haynes, Erasmus |Haynes, Thomas | Hill, Morris | Hutchins, Moses | Hunter, Dinah | Jones, Robert |Jones, Sarah |Kelley, William | Kelly, Francis |Kentine, John | Lewis, Thomas |Lovett, Amy | Lovey, Andrew | Luke, Polly |Makepeace, Ebenezer | Malbone, Philip |Matthias, John | Moore, Francis | Mason, James | Moore, James | Moore, John | Moseley, Edward | Moseley, Hillary | Moseley, Tully | Moseley, William | Murden, John | Owens, Thomas |Payne, Thomas |Phillips, Mitchell |Philpot, John |Pritchett, Matthew |Rampe, James | Rumpter, Dinah |Smith, John |Sonica, William |Spann, William | Stripe, Lewis |Tenant, Elizabeth |Thorowgood, Sally | Tipling, John |Trotter, Sarah |Trowton, George |Turner, John | Turner, William |Ward, Arthur |Ward, George | Waterman, Charles |Webb, George |Whitehead, William |Willeroy, John | Williams, John |Woodhouse, Horatio |Woodhouse, Jonathan | Woodhouse, Joseph |Woodhouse, Philip |Woodhouse, William | Wright, Joshua

Images of Will Bk No. 1, 1783-1794 and Will Bk No. 2, 1795-1807; Will Bk 3, 1808-1834
Indexes to Wills, Deeds, Estates
  • Book No. 4, 1824 to 1871
  • General Index to Wills 1783-1941
Images of Deeds
  • 1724-1735, Part. I & II; 1747-1755, Book 7; 1779 to 1780; 1780 to 1782; 1782 to 1780; 1783 to 1785; 1785 to 1788; 1788 to 1790; 1790 to 1792; 1792 to 1795; 1795 to 1798; 1798 to 1800; 1801 to 1803
Deeds, Orders, Wills, Estates
  • 1691-1709, Books 1 and 2; 1702; 1709 to 1717; 1756 to 1776
Miscellaneous Land Patents, Deeds, Releases
  • 1736 Beverley Patent (map of names)
  • Ackiss, William Lease and Release to John Murden, 1729
  • Ackis to Murden, indenture, 1729
  • Bassnett Power of Attorney to Jeremiah Murden, 1729
  • Berry, deed to Epa. Munden, 1764
  • Cason, Charles Land Grant, 1767
  • Cason,James Land Grant, 1724
  • Cason,James and Ann to John Fentriss, deeds, 1696
  • Cason,James, Land Grant, 1755
  • Cason,James, Power of Attorney, 1726
  • Cason,James, Power of Attorney, 1727
  • Cason,John, Indenture to Epa. Munden, 1750
  • Fentress Land Grant adj. J. Murden, 1766
  • Fentris Deed Release to Murden, 1712
  • Fentris, Moses and Aaron lease and release to George Fentris
  • Fentris, Michael deed to Hopkins, 1709
  • Hatton deed to Acquila Munden, 1744
  • Henley, Thomas deed to Thomas Cannon, 1765
  • Hopkins Land Patent adj. J. Murdin, 1703
  • Hopkins, John Land Grant adj. J. Murden, 1705
  • Ivy Lease and release to William Whitehurst; Sarah and Robert Murden, 1727
  • Iliff, Dinah deed to Robert Murden, 1714
  • Iliffe, Thomas to Richard Cook, transactions, 1696
  • Iliffe, Thomas transactions with Griffin, 1698
  • Jones, Robert Lease and Release to Epa. Munden, 1747
  • Moore, Cason, Land Grant, 1715
  • Moore, Cason, Land Grant, 1764
  • Moseley, Luke deed to John Mundon, 1721
  • Munden, Epa. deed to Chappels, 1765
  • Munden, Epa. and Mary, Release of Dower to Lovitt, 1753
  • Munden, Epaphroditus deed to John Ackis
  • Munden deed, 1785
  • Munden, John, deed to William Holmes, 1754
  • Munden, John, Lease to Moses Munden, 1765
  • Munden, John , deed to Lamont, 1742
  • Mundey, John, Power of attorney, 1730
  • Munden, John and James Harrison, Agreement, 1729
  • Munden, John and Frances deed to Moses Roberts
  • Munden, Stephen and Anne Lease to Thom Henley, 1741
  • Munden, Stephen to Brock indenture, 1739
  • Murden,John, Land Grant from William Worthington, 1755
  • Murden, John and Martha Lease to Bush, 1717
  • Murdon, Robert, 1757
  • Murdon, Robert, deed, 1763
  • Murden, Robert and Lovett, Indentures, 1724
  • Murden, Sarah, Land grant of 97 acres, 1727
  • Rutland, William deed to John Munden, 1720
  • Tucker Land Grant adj. John Mund, 1738
  • Walke Lease, Release to John Munden, 1728 Whitehurst, 1758
  • Woodhouse, Ruth, gift deeds to children, 1696
Miscellaneous Wills, Estates
  • Cason, James Sr., 1761
  • Dixson, Robert
  • Fentris, Aron, last will and testament (1738) and Moses
  • Fentris Deed of Gift Haynes, James, LWT, 1726,
  • Haynes, Enoch, LWT (1753) (transcription)
  • Henly, Charles, 1747
  • Holmes, William (transcription)
  • Keeling, Alexander, 1703
  • Iliff, Thomas, 1707/1708
  • Iliffe, Thomas, inventory of estate, 1712
  • Lovett, Lancaster, LWT, 1700
  • Mackie, William, LWT (1795) (transcription)
  • Mackey, Jonathan, LWT (1795) (transcription)
  • Murden, Jeremiah, LWT 1750
  • Munden, John, LWT and inventory of estate
  • Murden, Robert, inventory of estate, 1726
Minute Books
  • Minute Book 7, pages 25 to 26
Registered Marks
  • 1718 Registered Marks
  • 1723 Registered Marks
  • 1886 Map
Miscellaneous Marriage Contracts
  • Cason, William to Mary Smith
  • Munden, John to Any Gornto
Indexes to Probate Records and Deeds
  • 1724 to 1735; 1779 to 1780; 1782 to 1783; 1783; 1785; 1785 to 1788; 1788 to 1790; 1792 to 1795; 1795 to 1798; 1798 to 1800; 1801 to 1803
  • 1785 Taxpayers
  • 1788 Delegates to Congress
  • June 1788 Election of Delegates to Congress
  • 1788 Poll of Dennis Dawley
  • 1788 Poll for Thomas Kempe
  • 1788 Delegates to Congress
  • 1789 Delegates to Congress
  • 1789 Freeholders
  • 1789 Poll of Voters for Anthony Walke
  • 1789 Poll of Voters for Edward Moseley
  • 1789 Poll of Voters for Thomas Lawson for General Assembly
  • 1796 Freeholders
  • 1799 Voters
  • 1800 Voters
  • 1803 Voters
  • 1736 Beverley Patent (map of names)
  • 1886 Map
  • 1704 Quit Rent Rolls
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.